
"Ifza" - Our New Baby Blogger!

Our New Baby Blogger!

How wonderful does it feels to hold your baby girl for the first time in your arms while she smiles at you! It was the best experience of my life ever! Your brother is finally a father to a little princess from heavens Alhamdulillah and gifted with the most beautiful responsibility of raising a kid. We named her "Ifza" meaning "Protective Angel" so her official name thus becomes "Ifza Mustafa". Ifza is an Arabic name having a synonym 'Hifza', so people often confuse the names because of the same syllable sounds. Since I take the blogosphere community as part of my life, let me introduce this soon-to-be baby blogger with all of you!

Ifza is 15 days old now!

Ifza was born this month on 5th November, 2015 at "Aga Khan Hospital", Karachi. She weighed about 3.6 KG at the time of her birth which equals approximately 8 Pounds.   MashAllah she was the most healthiest kid born that day in Aga khan, after all she is a Pathan kid. :0

Just today I had her hair's cut. Her head is much cleaner now and fully bald. :D Will share the new photos very soon.

Ifza has given us a tough time throughout her mother's 9 months and 10 days of pregnancy and if she is reading this post after some 9-10 years inshAllah then she must know that she barely lets me sleep at night! She sleeps during day time but it takes me hours to calm her down at night. Surely nurturing and feeding a kid requires a lot of hard work not just only for the mother but also for the father. Since a week both Ifza and her mother are at my mother-in-laws house and I am so much at peace now! I am so thankful to God that I can finally take out some time to write this post! =p

Will she be a blogger?

Yes of course why not! But first she will be a Lady Doctor inshAllah!

God is surely the best planner and with our trust in Him, I pray to be a great affectionate father and to provide her with the best love and compassion she needs. After having seen how much intense hard work is done by a Lady Gynecologist and nurses inside a hospital, my respect for them have increased three fold. No doubt cure (Shifa) is in God's hand but medical science is the major resource (Waseela) to it provided by God Himself. 

I am a Computer Engineer and blogger by profession but I always wished to study medicine and serve the humanity. This dream will be fulfilled by my little baby girl one day inshAllah.

Ifza Mustafa
This Picture was taken the next day she was born i.e 11/6/2015.

My community unfortunately lacks lady doctors and women here rarely gets a chance to complete their studies after primary education. The major reason behind this is illiteracy, early marriage and not understanding the Islamic rights of a woman in its true essence.

Woman has a great place in Islam and she is the mother, daughter, wife and sister who makes up a family. My sisters and I am educated today thanks to my parents who are educated themselves. My eldest sister is an assistant Dentist in California, USA and she is still supported by my parents with her academic goals in life. 

Ifza will inshAllah lead the row and will become amongst the very few Lady M.B.B.S doctors in my tribe. By the time she gets 10 years of age, I will teach her how to blog and will mentor her on how to share her knowledge with the world outside. Blogs on medicine educate millions of people online to better take care of their health. This is one reason why I respect blogging so much. It's the only diary where you share nothing but knowledge!

Need your prayers!

Do share your prayers so that by the time Ifza gets at least 10 years old, she could read all your comments and know how much people loved her here! :)

Do not forget to share the cutest photo of your newly born baby in the comments box below by using the shortcode below:

[img src="Insert your Baby Photo Link here" width="50%" /]

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